Friday, October 23, 2009

Book Contest Giveaway...

Yeah it has finally happened... I am the newest Twilight Mom and also the newest Mundie Mom. Yeah the first one is pretty self explanitory and should not very shocking to most but Mundie Moms is a site akin to Twilight Moms only for fanatics of the Mortal Instraments know the City of Bones series that I read and loved. Yep, I have been stalking the Twilight Moms for about a year or two now so really it is about time. Mundie Moms I just found and they are a great site that not only has forums and info on all things Mortal Instrament but reviews other great books and have been an awesome resource. It has helped me decide which books I see at the books store I should put on my TO READ list and which ones are not for me. They were having a great contest to give away a signed copy of a book called Hush, Hush that sounds awesome! The author is actually going to be at a signing in Utah this weekend and I was planning to make that one of my stops as we were partying it up Homecoming College Game Day style at the Y game. Unfortunately- VERY SICK KIDS (BOOO!) are preventing me from making my so longed for trip. Good news is Mundie Moms are having a contest to give away a signed copy. Interested? Check it out here...
So now I am off to explore the site further and make a comment or two for real not just in my head!
See ya! That is all.


Cassie said...

I didn't know you had sick kids. Did Garth bring home the swine flu from Cheryl?

Britani said...

Yeah probably! It was the worst but I'm crossing my fingers that it is done now.