Monday, May 11, 2009

Completely Random Thought

Of all the Reality Shows out there... I want to be on Dancing with the Stars! I know, I know, everybody secretly has a reality show that they would like to be on. The Amazing Race, Survivor, American Idol, The Bachelor. OK I don't actually know anyone who wants to be on The Bachelor but you know what I mean. I would LOVE to be on Dancing with the Stars. Ok there is the slight problem of the STAR part and my not-so-inshap-ed-ness and I really don't know how to win votes so I'm not saying I would win but I would have THE BEST TIME EVER and I would work my butt off! So sorry Garth- I may have to just get myself on The Bachelor so I can get in on this Dancing with the Stars action. ObiWon I think it is my only hope!!!!


(me)linda said...

You're hilarious Brit! I can totally see it. You'd kick butt!

Britani said...

Yeah well I'm sure the butt kicked would be mine but it would still be WAY cool!

Greg said...

Since everyone has 15 mins of fame, you just need to find a way to extend yours. That way you would be a STAR. I'll watch it when you are on.

Gwenny said...

I'm right there with ya, Brit. I have dreams of being on Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. It would be so fun!! If you ever get on... I'd be your BIGGEST fan!

Britani said...

Thanks for all the support guys! Wow! Now if we could just talk NBC? into having a "Dancing with Completely Normal and Random People" show I could win!!!

Anonymous said...

That would be such a BLAST!! Can I join you? After dancing with the workout video it makes me want to do Dancing with the Stars even more!

Jana said...

I would LOVE to be on So you think you can dance... too bad I can't dance, oh well.

We should all try out for american idol next time they come to san diego... what do you say? I mean I can't sing, but it would be cool just to get your audition on tv. I bet we could think of something crazy enough to get us some screen time.

Britani said...

OK American Idol Tryouts! I don't think I could do it! I would take it too seriously and if I didn't I would feel completely humiliated- unfortunately that probably would make tv though!

Cassie said...

If you were on American Idol(which you could definetly do it!) What would be your style of music?

Britani said...

See That is why I couldn't do it! I don't know!

Britani said...

Ok that is one of the reasons!

Pops said...

Sounds like it's time to start packing for Mexico! luv...pops

Jaymie Quigley said...

Amen girl! I would go with you. Have fun in Mexico! I want to see your hot pix when you get back.

Anonymous said...

We miss you all!! Too bad you are going to be gone while we are there for the weekend. I can't wait to see your pictures!