Ok people I'm out here!
Amazing! I am part of the Blognation. I must say it feels pretty good! Ok here is my initial post of this all encompassing blog.
First I must say a word about my playlist. I think the playlist feature on blogs is BRILLIANT! Don't you think it is interesting to see what people put out there to represent themselves? Ok maybe you don't, but I do so even though my blog doesn't have much right now BY GOLLY it's got a playlist! A little eclectic I know but I wanted to find songs that meant something to US not just me (and I threw in a few that I liked too).
#1 is "Butterflies and Hurricanes" by Muse--Ok... Muse is amazing. We love this song for the message, and the piano, and the drama of it all! Every time Garth and I hear it we get chills.(That may change now that we hear it every time we are on the blog but there it is) "Change everything you are and everything you were. Your number has been called....BEST! YOU'VE GOT TO BE THE BEST! YOU'VE GOT TO CHANGE THE WORLD AND USE THIS CHANCE TO BE HEARD! YOUR TIME IS NOW!!!! Wow! Love it!
Cold Play- this band is Quintessentially Quigley. (Wow that would make a good blog name.) Just a little history---Garth got hooked on them when he first started with Jostens and he had to be in the office for so many hours. They were very soothing after being in the schools all day. He introduced them to me when we were driving to the Salt Lake temple early in the morning and he played "Fix You" for me in the dark car. I don't know why that moment stays with me but needless to say I got hooked. When we first moved into our home 3+ years ago and got a piano Garth ran out and got the sheet music for every song they had and then proceeded to learn every one! We would sing around the piano every night for awhile and Garth, in his eagerness to share his talent would play for everyone who darkened our door (literally, neighbors who came to deliver cookies, the bishop, friends from college just passing through, everyone)but MADE me sing with him every time. I was proud of him and wanted to support him but DANG!! So sorry to any and all of you who had to endure that little piece of awkwardness. "Viva La Vida" is just a great happy song to start with and all my kids sing along when it comes on. "Yellow" is the lullaby
that we use to sing to Eli when he was born and I would cry every time at the miracle of having our little boy after waiting so long. "Sparks" is my song for Garth and "Shiver" is his favorite.
Ok that was A LOT of history! Sorry.

Ok that was A LOT of history! Sorry.
#3 "Lucky"-by Jason Mraz. We just stumbled on this song today and LOVE IT!! It is so great! Words-Amazing! Tune- Groovy. Harmony- Stellar. This is how Garth and I feel everyday for each other, LUCKY!
#4 OK High School Musical- I know, I know. But it had to go on there because A.)Em and Eli both sing it, ("Na na na na, you are a music a me" were one of the first lyrics my son ever sang)and B.)I don't know how they feel but, that is a very true statement for me... Garth, Emma, Eli, Will, they are the music in me.
#5 MUSE again. "Starlight" makes me think of Garth cuz it's my ring tone for him. He put it on my phone and when ever he calls my phone says "I'll never let you go if you promise not to fade away. Never fade away." Um "Map of the Problematique" is just cool.
"Breathe in Breathe Out"-Great song that my sister in law introduced to me and I have loved it ever since. (Thanks Mignon!)
"Hero/Heroine"- ok this one is all me. I love this song cuz ever since I was a teenager I have always thought I lived an "enchanted" life. You know like all the fictional books that I read... stuff just turns out right. It may get hairy sometimes, just like in books, but everything always has a happy ending. Most of my happy endings have everything to do with my own personal hero who I just happened to find and marry. TADAH!!!
OK... name one other blog where you got to listen to the entire playlist before you got to the end of the blog about the playlist. And you thought that line under my blog title was just a clever statement. You should really pay attention to my warnings.
OK... name one other blog where you got to listen to the entire playlist before you got to the end of the blog about the playlist. And you thought that line under my blog title was just a clever statement. You should really pay attention to my warnings.
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!! I love your blog. It looks great to me! You are already so much farther ahead on the blog spectrum than I am. You are so cute with all of your songs. I love the family pics too.
Brit - you're a natural blogger! You're already way better at this than I am and ever hope to be. This is great - I'm excited to add your link to my blog page.
YES!! Another blog I get to check out everyday!! I love it and frankly I have to admit that I've become VERY addicted to reading all these darn things. It's so fun to take a look at what's going on in everyone's life. So glad you decided to join in. Maybe one day I will too. The sad note is that I've already created a blog a long, long time ago. I've just never done anything with it. Melinda keeps asking when I'm going to get going on it. We'll see...
Welcome! It is good to have you here.
Great job Brit! I'm so happy you have a blog, now I can feel like I see you guys more often, if even through words and pictures.
Lucky is one of my very favorite songs! It gets blasted often in my kitchen. Glad you a blogger, Britter. I'm excited to here all the and-then-some's. :)
I always listen to Muse when I go running. Butterflies and Hurricanes gives me goosebumps too. It's a song that makes me want to climb a mountain. My favorite Muse song is Sing for Absolution, though. It gets me down in my bones.
You need to look up Ray LaMontagne, Brit. I think that you would really like his music.
so sweet Garth at the Piano with his BABY!!!
I love the family pic at the bottom, your kids are darling, and do you and garth age? you guys are like "the curious case of garth and britt button"
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