Thursday, January 1, 2009

Back to... The Future!!

Ok! Happy New YEAR!!! It's now 2009 but so many "blog worthy" things have happened in the last few weeks I have to go back to go forward.

On the 17th of December Will turned 1!

I made him a fleece blanket that was not pink. (Explanation: Will likes the fringe on fleece blankets and from day one Eli has refused to share his so Emma shared hers, which happened to be pink. OK for home use but not so masculine for public and Sundays. In short it has driven Mom nuts!)

Here is Will with his favorite person and said boyish blanket.

We had cupcakes which were a hit for everyone...

Emma hates frosting ...notice this is only a cupcake top!
(Pretty picture Em!)

Eli likes only frosting ... Creative

Will was a mixed bag... At first he wan't sure he liked any of it!

Then he decided he liked the frosting and when he got a bite of cake he promptly got rid of that nonsense!

After a few laughs and some coaxing he decided he liked it all!

Next he did a Birthday Dance on his tray! Gross!

We had a great time and he is such a sweet boy! He's a complete MONKEY but he has his Daddy's charm so you end up laughing instead of mad. It only gets more fun as he gets older. We can't imagine our family without him. Love you Will!