Friday, October 23, 2009

Book Contest Giveaway...

Yeah it has finally happened... I am the newest Twilight Mom and also the newest Mundie Mom. Yeah the first one is pretty self explanitory and should not very shocking to most but Mundie Moms is a site akin to Twilight Moms only for fanatics of the Mortal Instraments know the City of Bones series that I read and loved. Yep, I have been stalking the Twilight Moms for about a year or two now so really it is about time. Mundie Moms I just found and they are a great site that not only has forums and info on all things Mortal Instrament but reviews other great books and have been an awesome resource. It has helped me decide which books I see at the books store I should put on my TO READ list and which ones are not for me. They were having a great contest to give away a signed copy of a book called Hush, Hush that sounds awesome! The author is actually going to be at a signing in Utah this weekend and I was planning to make that one of my stops as we were partying it up Homecoming College Game Day style at the Y game. Unfortunately- VERY SICK KIDS (BOOO!) are preventing me from making my so longed for trip. Good news is Mundie Moms are having a contest to give away a signed copy. Interested? Check it out here...
So now I am off to explore the site further and make a comment or two for real not just in my head!
See ya! That is all.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Completely Random Thought

Of all the Reality Shows out there... I want to be on Dancing with the Stars! I know, I know, everybody secretly has a reality show that they would like to be on. The Amazing Race, Survivor, American Idol, The Bachelor. OK I don't actually know anyone who wants to be on The Bachelor but you know what I mean. I would LOVE to be on Dancing with the Stars. Ok there is the slight problem of the STAR part and my not-so-inshap-ed-ness and I really don't know how to win votes so I'm not saying I would win but I would have THE BEST TIME EVER and I would work my butt off! So sorry Garth- I may have to just get myself on The Bachelor so I can get in on this Dancing with the Stars action. ObiWon I think it is my only hope!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!

I love my yard in the spring time! It's been hard to enjoy it with all the wetness that is invading our neck of the woods. I know it makes my flowers grow (even those on the weeds in my not yet tilled garden-Eli tells me everyday..."Look Mom, our garden is growing! Isn't it so beautiful!" Yes son, yes it is.)I have decided to put up some of the pictures I took of my flowering trees to make me feel better! Enjoy!

Did you see the blue skies? Did you see the bees? Yeah it's hard for me to believe those were taken just 2 very long weeks ago! HOW I MISS THOSE DAYS!!

P.S. This music is still kickin!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whew! Back??

Ok. March, the month of all months for our family is over! I think I can finally sit down and blog a little about it! March is FULL for us with 4 birthdays, an anniversary, spring break, and stuff! So this year we did mostly family birthdays with no formal parties and we actually had dad (meaning Garth) here with us for all of it!!! Thank you to all of his staff! This year has rocked for us because of you!

OK so Eli turned 3 on March 2nd!

He got a balance bike for his birthday (that is a bike with out pedals to teach the balance of a bike. The concept is if he learns to balance he won't need training wheels when he is ready to pedal. I must admit I am a little sceptical but I will let you know how that works out.) He thinks it is cool!

We went to the park for his birthday and when asked what he wanted for his birthday dinner it was "fries" so we headed out to McDonalds in the rain with some friends just passing through from Washington. He was very up for opening presents this year and was excited about EVERYTHING!

He especially liked the tool set he got

and continues to wander around telling everyone he's "Got a job to do!"

Emma also enjoyed the tool set!

Will had his favorite Eli present too.

After alot of near misses with the bat and a talk about sharing,

Eli was one happy customer!

Emma turned 9 on March 9th!

She wanted Ramen noodles for her birthday dinner! (These are some huge requests here!)And she chose for her cake an oreo ice cream pie because she is not a fan of any type of frosting or cake (as I have said before).

Will liked it!

Alot I think!

Em liked it too but not as much as her "Dragon Hunters" comic book!

Garth turned 35 on March 14th!
He golfed all day with his best buddy Al for his birthday.

Here is a shot of about how warm it was!
Garth Requested NO CAKE as we were caked out! And for birthday dinner salmon and salad cooked by me. I guess I should be flattered but I think the only reason I really ask what everybody wants is so they will request to go out! Come on people, I would request that!!

We celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary on March 15th!
We partied down by driving sans kids (thank you Jenny) to Horseshoe Bend and taking championship ring orders! Thank you Jostens! It actually was a really fun night! On the way home we stopped for Coldstone and had a nice chat. I love my hubby!!!

No pictures of THAT Celebration!


First 1/2-= sick = Yuck!

Second 1/2=Kids to Grandmas and Garth & I to Wolfcreek in Utah to celebrate with Gwen & Lawrence. Cuz...

I turned 34 on March 28th!

I got everything I wanted!

A pedicure! I love to get little designs on my toes!

Chinese food at the HOHO Gourmet (even the name is cool!), a shopping trip with a built in babysitter (Garth who happily followed Will as he pushed the stroller all over the mall), games till the sun rose (Lawrence and Gwen are people after my own heart), and enough peanut M&Ms to last a lifetime (or at least the weekend)! It was awesome! Thanks guys.

Ok.I realize that there is a discrepancy between the amount of pictures for the first half of the month and the second half. In my defense...It's just not as fun to take pictures of grown up peoples birthdays.
Needless to say it was a "SWEEEET" month as Eli would say and now we are all a year older! WOOOO! And there is my long awaited post.
MUSIC NOTES: Notice the playlist is now different. Even if I don't blog sometimes I get on here and post a new playlist cuz I love to pull it up and listen while I am doing my downstairs housekeeping. This one is one I found on a Twilight site (shocker!) and I took all the best songs (which are alot I think) and put 'em on. GOOD RANDOM STUFF!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Back to... The Future!!

Ok! Happy New YEAR!!! It's now 2009 but so many "blog worthy" things have happened in the last few weeks I have to go back to go forward.

On the 17th of December Will turned 1!

I made him a fleece blanket that was not pink. (Explanation: Will likes the fringe on fleece blankets and from day one Eli has refused to share his so Emma shared hers, which happened to be pink. OK for home use but not so masculine for public and Sundays. In short it has driven Mom nuts!)

Here is Will with his favorite person and said boyish blanket.

We had cupcakes which were a hit for everyone...

Emma hates frosting ...notice this is only a cupcake top!
(Pretty picture Em!)

Eli likes only frosting ... Creative

Will was a mixed bag... At first he wan't sure he liked any of it!

Then he decided he liked the frosting and when he got a bite of cake he promptly got rid of that nonsense!

After a few laughs and some coaxing he decided he liked it all!

Next he did a Birthday Dance on his tray! Gross!

We had a great time and he is such a sweet boy! He's a complete MONKEY but he has his Daddy's charm so you end up laughing instead of mad. It only gets more fun as he gets older. We can't imagine our family without him. Love you Will!