Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My Twilight Party
Ok. So it's been a few weeks since it happened but I couldn't let it just slide by without blogging about it! The night of the midnight release of the Twilight movie (thats November 20th) I had a Scentsy party with a Twilight theme.
This one was on the door...
And I made this big homage to the books to go on the wall as you walk in...
We had 4 pages of Twilight trivia and all in all it was uber cool! Thanks to everybody who came, most of which actually came for the Scetsy stuff and not for the Twilight stuff (imagine that)! I would love to do it again and have an actual dinner and then Twilight Jeopardy or something. Anyway I kept all my decorations so if you are ever having a Twilight know who to call.
P.S. Saw the movie with MY Edward the next night and my initial reaction was Yikes! I hated that! (Garth liked it though.) BUT.. upon viewing it a second time and knowing what was coming and what was not, I really liked it. The effects need some more money (ie the running through the forrest on TOP of the foliage-- PLEASE!!!) but other than that I can tell they really thought about alot. Plus it's just plain fun to see one of my favorite books played out. The music was amazing!!! Ok... I downloaded it early and hated it but after puting those songs with a scene I can't get enough! Even Robert Pattinson's songs which were unbearable to my ears, after looking up the lyrics, I appreciate.
For your listening pleasure I have downloaded MY Twilight playlist (for the books) that I made about a year ago and unveiled to the world at my party. It does have an order but I put the tunes on random mostly so I don't have to hear the same thing every time I log on. (Get's very boring) Enjoy!